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Don't Put Off Your Child's Checkups

Keeping their child safe and healthy is one of the most important tasks of any parent. The best and most effective way to do this is to checkupscommit to your child’s recommended schedule of regular checkups. These important pediatric visits ensure your child grows as they should and develops in a way which benefits them. Find out more about regular pediatric checkups and what you can expect from them with Dr. Ceyhun "Jay" Ozturk and Dr. Maria Guerra at Little Oaks Pediatrics in Raleigh, NC.

Why are regular pediatric checkups important? 
Seeing the pediatrician regularly is crucial in monitoring your child’s growth and development. In addition to tracking these important factors, regular appointments will allow you as the parent to raise any concerns you may have. This helps with prevention of certain conditions and allows your child’s doctor to catch and treat any potential issues early, in their most treatable stages. Finally, seeing the pediatrician often helps develop a solid relationship between your child, you as a parent, and their doctor.

What can I expect from regular pediatric checkups? 
The American Academy of Pediatrics set out a recommended schedule for children to see their pediatrician. This includes appointments at 2-5 days old, 1 month, 2 months, 4 months, 6 months, 9 months, 12 months, 15 months, 18 months, 2 years, and 2.5 years old, then every year after that until age 21. This schedule will ensure that your child meets their growth and developmental milestones on track.

Medicaid in Raleigh, NC
Little Oaks Pediatrics is happy to accept patients covered by Medicaid. Medicaid allows patients to receive high-quality medical care without the worry of the financial burden that comes along with it. Medicaid allows children and teens to keep up with their normal checkups and preventative care, along with getting any additional care they may require.

If your child is sick or exhibiting certain symptoms, you should not wait until your next checkup to take your child in to be seen by a doctor. If you feel as though your child requires medical assistance, schedule an additional appointment with your pediatrician. If your child has a fever alongside other symptoms like lethargy or stiff neck, severe vomiting, trouble breathing, or an injury, you should seek immediate medical attention at the nearest emergency clinic.

For more information on pediatric checkups, please contact Dr. Ceyhun "Jay" Ozturk and Dr. Maria Guerra at Little Oaks Pediatrics in Raleigh, NC. Call (919) 720-4876 to schedule your child’s appointment with their pediatrician today!