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  • Anesthesia and Your Child: Information for Parents

    Any time a child requires a hospital visit, it can cause anxiety for both a parent and the child. This especially may be the case when the visit involves any type of procedure that might require anesthesia. Examples of such procedures are surgery, medical imaging, and certain tests to examine the stomach

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  • Anesthesia and Your Child: The Day of the Procedure

    Some hospitals allow 1 support person (usually a parent) to go with a child into the operating room or other area where the child is to receive anesthesia. This may be possible for scheduled procedures or surgeries but not for emergency surgery. Check on the policy at your hospital ahead of time. Your

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  • COVID-19 Vaccines - Answers to Common Questions

    Answers to common questions about COVID-19 vaccination.

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  • COVID-19: What Families Need to Know

    COVID-19, discovered in December 2019, quickly became a global pandemic. Doctors and researchers continue to learn more about it every day. Safe and effective vaccines are now available, offering hope for an end to the pandemic. Until everyone is vaccinated, however, the virus continues to spread.

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  • Choosing a Pediatrician

    The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has developed this information about the benefits of choosing a pediatrician, how to choose a pediatrician, and why regular well-child visits are important.

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  • Complementary and Integrative Medicine: What Parents Need to Know

    While most children in North America receive conventional medicine when they are sick, many parents want to know about natural therapies too. Alternative, complementary, and integrative medicine and folk remedies are some of the words used to describe these different therapies. Read on for more information.

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  • Connected Kids: Clinical Guide

    CONNECTED KIDS: This extensive clinical guide to the American Academy of Pediatrics' Connected Kids Program contains an overview of all of the program's component parts, a counseling schedule, ideas for practice implementation, and other supplemental

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  • Coronavirus (COVID-19) - Diagnosed or Suspected

    Information and guidance for exposure (close contact) to a person with confirmed or suspected COVID-19 infection.

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