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Prenatal Visits

Being pregnant, especially for the first time, can be very scary. You or your partner may have several questions and may not know where prenatal visitsto begin or what you should even be expecting. It is for that reason that the Dr. Ceyhun “Jay” Ozturk and Dr. Maria Guerra at Little Oaks Pediatrics, in Raleigh, NC, provide expecting parents with free prenatal visits. This step is important, not only for your personal health but for your child's health as well. Choosing a future pediatrician for your child is crucial.

So what are some questions you will want to ask when choosing a potential pediatrician for your baby?
  • What is your medical background and how long have you been practicing as a pediatrician?
  • Are you certified by the American Board of Pediatrics?
  • If there is a medical emergency, how does your office handle them?
  • Do you provide well-child care visits?
  • What tests does your office handle, such as blood tests or x-rays?

These are only a few questions you will want to ask Dr. Ozturk and Dr. Guerra in their Raleigh office when you meet them. However, there are more questions you will want to ask them about your current pregnancy. Some of these questions are mentioned below:

  • What sort of lifestyle changes should I make? (This includes exercises you should or shouldn’t be doing or foods and beverages you should or shouldn’t be ingesting as well. Vitamins and supplements also fall into this category)
  • What should I expect during different trimesters? How my child should be developing during each phase?
  • How often should I be making prenatal visits and what should I be expecting during each visit?
  • What should I be wary of and what I should consider a medical emergency to be?
  • What should I do if I do experience an emergency?

There are, of course, more questions you may ask, and it’s highly recommended that you do your research and have a detailed list of questions and concerns. Take advantage of your free prenatal visit with Dr. Ozturk or Dr. Guerra. For more information or to make an appointment, just call their Raleigh, NC, office at (919) 720-4876.